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Writer's pictureDL Ashley

It's Always Earth Day

Yesterday, a friend and I were exploring Yoctangee Park in Chillicothe, Ohio when we ran across the 22nd annual Earth Gathering event. There was live music and vendors featuring everything from recycled handmade crafts to local resources offering helpful information.

Vendors included Ross County Parks District who provided park information and a list of hiking trails in the area, Ross County Recycling with information about how to recycle and where, and Ross Soil & Water Conservation District who supplied valuable information about conservation and even passed out Wildflower seeds to help you create a natural landscape.

Earth Day always falls on April 22nd, but as you can see, it is every day that we can do something to help our environment.

Earth911 is an excellent resource for events and tips for saving our environment.

Search online for events in your area that will help you learn how to care for our planet and the people who live there. Here are some local resources:

It's as simple as that!


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