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  • Writer's pictureDL Ashley

Add Spring Clearing to Your Spring Cleaning

It's almost Spring and, yes, there may still be snow on the ground but this is actually the perfect time to think about Spring Cleaning. This Spring add "Clearing" to go along with your Spring Cleaning projects.

Here are some things to think about while you are waiting for the ice to melt:

  • Reorganizing a room while you clean provides a number of benefits.

  • ​Helps you decide what is important to keep and how much space you need to store it.

  • Clears away your things so your cleaning project is more efficient.

  • Uses your time more wisely.

  • What areas of my home do I want to focus my attention on?

  • ​Kitchens and bathrooms benefit from a deep cleaning. Freshen up these spaces by downsizing and redistributing items.

  • Linen closets can use a redo because they often hold frayed, mismatched or out-of-style items.

  • Toy boxes can do with a good going through donating older toys to children who have less.

  • How much time will I need to devote to organizing and cleaning my home?

  • ​Write down your goals and schedule yourself a date that is free from responsibilities that will divert your focus.

  • Be realistic about the time you need.

  • Break your project into small tasks rather than taking on too much.

  • Do I need help?

  • ​Create fun ways of involving family members to help clean and clear.

  • Managing your tasks may not need the extra help. Just consider what it will take to put away heavy items which might require additional hands.

  • What materials will I need to get the most out of my project?

  • Boxes and containers can be a big help in the sorting process.

  • ​Large trash bags are great for collecting your donated items.

  • Use markers for labeling items you want to store.

Planning ahead will give you motivation to take on your projects and reap the benefits of a clean and organized home this Spring.

It's as simple as that!

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