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Writer's pictureDL Ashley

31 Days of Letting Go

Alison Koth, of San Pedro, has taken on the challenge to Let Things Go.

The Minimalists started this challenge for August (they say 30 days but there are actually 31 days in August). No matter, whether it's 30 or 31, one month, any month, will get you on a path to breathing free of things that you no longer need.

It's difficult to face purging a lot of things at once, so try this technique out to ease the pain. Don't let the clutter you know you want to release be a chore. Turn that desire to downsize into a game that offers great benefits.

Once you get started, you will look forward to each day. And, it really doesn't matter when you start, but you need to stay on track until the 30 or 31 days is complete.

Take a few pictures along the way to remind you of your progress and compliment yourself for putting in the effort.

Read about the challenge here and make a difference and reap the benefits.

Alison is doing it and so can you.

It's as simple as that!


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