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  • Writer's pictureDL Ashley

Picking Up the Trash

When you are out cleaning up on Earth Day and you are helping with a crew, there will probably be receptacles and/or bags provided for trash. However, if you are on your own, here are some tips for what to do when picking up the trash.

  • Do some research to find out where to recycle, what to recycle and how to safely dispose of trash.

  • Make sure you have trash bags in abundance.

  • Use vehicles that have plenty of room to haul off your bags so you won't leave anything behind.

  • Don't load bags so heavy that they are difficult to move.

  • Recruit some help and make it a fun and rewarding outing.

  • Check the weather to be sure you wear the proper clothing.

  • Protect your hands by wearing gloves.

  • Wear reflective vests if working near or on the side of a road.

  • Take plenty of water to drink during your workout.

  • Take pictures of the area before and after your job is done.

Becoming aware of how your world looks when the trash is gone will encourage cleaning up throughout the rest off the year.

Make Earth Day everyday.

It's as simple as that!

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